Chapter 5 : The scent of the flower

He once told me that I smelled like that flower,
sweet and pleasant.
That is what attracted him
to me.
He told me my lips
were rouge like the petals,
soft to kiss
and touch,
always leaving them abloom.
He gazed deeply into my eyes
to pronounce that
they were dark brown like the pollens
and that I was petite much like the green stem.
Once, he had come across a meadow of flowers
along the placid lake.
The petals on the flowers fluttered gracefully,
much like my hair, he said.
He plucked one from the rest
and inhaled the fragrance deeply.
He brushed his fingers along the smooth petals
and tucked the flower inside the jacket,
near his heart.
The flower stayed,
in the jacket for days,
as he travelled along the edges of the mountains
and remote valleys.
Later he found a field of daffodils,
and plucked one up.
Aromatic, he said.
He took out the wilted flower
to place the daffodil inside the jacket,
near his heart.
Maybe the scent of the flower
was too sweet for him.

Chapter 4 : On the other side of departure

I went to the airport today
to bid a friend adieu
who was off to her next adventure.
I walked step by step
besides her,
wondering how it would feel
to have
a trolley full of bags,
headphones strung around the neck,
wollen sweats,
eyes full of excitement,
adrenaline rush coursing through the veins,
a skip in the step,
the passport in the hand
waiting for it to be filled up
once more,
the tight hugs of the parents,
a thousand promises to the friends
to bring back goodies
& stories
of people and places,
& to feel the hush in the air
for another goal
was about to be ticked off.
Then I looked up at the board,
the board of flights
Abu Dhabi, London,
Seoul, Melbourne,
and various other names.
My friend gave us a fleeting glance
as she entered the gate,
the gate of her aspirations.
I stood on the other side
ardently wishing
to be able to walk
those few footsteps
towards the gate
one day
the flights on the board,
were my flights.
The flights to my dreams.

Chapter 3 : Self Love

I look at myself and see a body,
Too fat, bulging chest,
Big at the hips, flabby arms,
Love handles,
Acne scars across the cheek,
Tiny hair over the lips,and between the bushy brows,
Round cheeks, button nose,
Scanty hair, brown lips, bitten nails,
Thighs kissing one another,
Sagging calves.
And that’s the reason
I hide myself in those baggy clothes
And look down whenever someone walks by.
I don’t love myself, do I?
Someone looked at me & said
I wish I could be like you
And I thought, I wish I could be like you.
Maybe that’s the reason..
I doubt myself, my thighs, my calves, my body.
Too large, too skinny,
Too tall, too tiny.
Who set the standards of beauty
Was it the creator or the society?
Who defined flaws?
The universe or the laws?
Why would I want to be like some one when we were all different.
So the next time I look at them,
All that I will see would be our distinctiveness.
I’ll think about how my body
is one in a million.
Acne scars, thin hair, wide hips,
Which is what makes me perfect.

Chapter 2 : An epiphany

I looked up at him

for the happiness

that the’d given me.

I closed my eyes &

sensed his gaze upon me.

I felt a surge of emotions suddenly.

Within that moment,

I could hear the cacophony

of birds,

the whispers of the wind

as they blew the thin strands of my hair

across my face.

The leaves rustled

and flew blithely

in the icy winter air.

The burbling sound of water

and the sweet notes

of a mother’s lullaby,

as the child slept peacefully,

dreaming about the

wonders of the world.

The hair across my arms

stood up.

I folded my palms

as I thanked him,

the God,

for the gift of life.

Chapter 1 : An hour at the beach

Its 6:20pm and the sky turned

Light grey at the horizon

With a tinge of violet and orange

Pale blue above

Its 6:22pm and the grey

Gradually dominates the colours

Reflecting on the sea



The water washes over

The footprints of the new lovers

Imprinted on the sands of time

Makes me wonder

How many dreams have the sands seen

And then the water washed them away

“Would you like some peanuts?”,

The man in the turban asks me.

Calloused hand, shirt in rags

Wrinkled face with worried eyebrows

Smiling down at me

Blinking quickly

In my hoarse voice, I

Ask for some for 10

And take the cone of peanuts

With my quivering hands

As the man limped off to another customer

Near the water

And the tide swept his footprints away

Its 6:45 now

The dark hues of violet, blue and grey

All over the sky

The peanuts remain forgotten in the sand

Tears rolling down my cheeks

My hands clenched


Around me

Would the sea wash me away too

If I take a step or two

My phone goes off

Its mother, concerned

Asking me where I was

Taking a deep breathe in, I tell her

I’ll come home in a while

But will I?

I get up and take one step towards the water

And stare at the reflection anxiously

Something glimmers

Its 7:20

And I look up

At the darkness

But the stars wink at me

As if to goad me while

Listening to my dreams

The crescent smiles down at me

As I stand there still and think

The water cannot reach the stars

And I smile a watery smile

I turn around

And take the second step back home.


It is always so fun starting something new 

You feel the adrenaline rush and yet you feel blue 

You keep your mind positive and yet your heart feels heavy 

The undiscovered territory is a bit scary 

You procrastinate thinking its not the right time 

Not today? Then tomorrow? Who gives a dime? 

You think of taking the step with some motivation 

But then down comes all the frustration 

Will he like it? Will she commend me? 

Shall I just write it anonymously? 

You watch, you learn 

Yet someone’s validation is your concern 

Shall I post about books? Or my thought? 

Travels? Lifestyle? Faith? Clarity is what is being sought. 

Nevertheless, you do write something down  

It is not the best nor a letdown 

You hit the publish button and its up! 

The story has begun, as you gulp 

You decide to figure things out steadily 

As people open the book, heartily!